We believe in education as a fundamental value those who seek professional growth. For this reason, we are specialists in academic programs for those who aim to grow their careers and improve their communication skills in the English language.

Courses aimed at professionals and university students who aim to improve the English language, polish writing and develop more effective communication in everyday and professional situations.

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Assessoria simplesmente impecável. Eu e meu esposo optamos por não fazer sozinho o processo para escolha do projeto de intercâmbio e contar com o auxilio, orientações e suporte da CanCampus foi um grande diferencial. A Brigida e o Thiago que nos atenderam durante toda a jornada, além de profissionais altamente qualificados e comprometidos, são pessoas de um caráter e respeito ímpar. Muita gratidão por tudo que fizeram e ainda fazem por nossos projetos.

Fabiana G., 42
Fabiana G., 42

Serviço profissional e de alta qualidade.

Silveraldo M., 51
Silveraldo M., 51

Serviço excelente!! Bom acompanhamento e orientação informada.

Peter P., 48
Peter P., 48

CanCampus Canada superou minhas expectativas. Sua dedicação em ajudar os alunos a atingir seus objetivos acadêmicos é verdadeiramente louvável. A equipe foi amigável, experiente e sempre pronta para ajudar. Com a orientação deles, encontrei a oportunidade educacional perfeita no Canadá. Sou grata por seu apoio e recomendo fortemente a CanCampus Canada para qualquer pessoa que esteja pensando em estudar no exterior.

Cristina A., 25
Cristina A., 25

Ótima experiência, Brigida extremamente atenciosa e transparente com o serviço.

Roberta R., 25
Roberta R., 25

Sempre muito atenciosos e prestaram o apoio após a nossa chegada aqui em Toronto, sou imensamente grato por ter escolhido voces para realizar meu intercambio!

Caio V., 25
Caio V., 25

Estudei com a Campus remotamente enquanto ainda estava no Brasil. Consegui aprimorar meu inglês e tive contato com alunos do mundo todo. Foi como participar de um intercâmbio sem sair de casa!

Aline B., 24
Aline B., 24

A CanCampus oferece um caminho de estudo personalizado de acordo com suas necessidades especiais. As aulas online estão cheias de alunos multiculturais, todos aprendendo a lidar com situações da vida real. Toda a equipe é maravilhosa e pronta para ajudar a qualquer momento. Eu os recomendaria a qualquer outra instituição a qualquer momento!

Alexandre O., 27
Alexandre O., 27

A Cancampus foi extremamente correta conosco, transparente e bastante analítica do nosso perfil. Os profissionais que nos apoiaram em todo o processo são conhecedores dos processos de imigração e forneceram um atendimento bastante próximo e humanizado. A consultoria foi fundamental para o sucesso do nosso Plano Canada, mostrando o caminho viável para a realização do sonho da nossa família.

Joilson A., 45
Joilson A., 45

Excelente assessoria acadêmica, 10/10! Eles trabalharam duro comigo para obter a melhor opção de acordo com minhas necessidades e me deram suporte no meu processo de inscrição na universidade. Além disso, o serviço de suporte a minha estadia foi muito útil quando chegamos. Eu recomendo totalmente!

Monica M., 37
Monica M., 37

Obrigada Cancampus pela assessoria acadêmica. O serviço foi excelente. Vocês trabalharam duro comigo para selecionar a melhor opção de acordo com minhas necessidades e me deram suporte no processo de inscrição na universidade. Além disso, o serviço para me estabelecer no país foi útil quando chegamos a Moncton. Se você deseja estudar no Canadá, recomendo totalmente o Cancampus para consultoria acadêmica.

Monica M., 37
Monica M., 37

Studying English via CanCampus-Hansa has helped me a lot in increasing my English level. Excellent teachers willing to teach English from the heart. I was able to talk to several students from other countries, which increased my perception of many different accents. Another thing that helped me a lot, was having a class with teacher Valentine, I can say wonderful, it fueled my art of getting ideas for writing and speaking. Thanks for the excellent help CanCampus. In general, the contact with CanCampus-Hansa put me at a level I never thought I would achieve.

Vera S., 50
Vera S., 50

Since I started studying English through CanCampus-Hansa, my English has evolved without precedent. In a few weeks I managed to reach 95 points on the official Duolingo test, which made me more excited to apply to colleges to go study.

Guilherme O., 35
Guilherme O., 35

I started the English course in July 2021. I confess that I was a little apprehensive, with doubts if I would be able to follow the course, even thinking that it would be very difficult to learn another language at my age (I'm 57 years old). I take two classes of 55 minutes each, daily, Monday through Friday. But I was surprised by the course, I noticed my progress quickly, I changed from level 2 to level 3. Classes are very dynamic, teachers are very accessible, giving space for students to express their doubts or difficulties, encouraging them to speak in all classes, in addition to group or individual activities. Grammatical rules are worked on within a theme that also ends up enriching our vocabulary. I am very satisfied with the course and I intend to continue in 2022. An interesting fact is that there are students from all over the world: in addition to Brazilians, there are Colombians, Peruvians, Chileans, Russians, Bulgarians and people who are living in Canada or the United States of origin from other countries.

Adelaide C., 57
Adelaide C., 57

I discovered CanCampus through a friend. When I looked for the company I had all the attention and best quality guidance. Brigida always very attentive and intelligent, always available. I had the proper direction and I approve of the service. Thank you so much for the support.

Mariana F. C., 44
Mariana F. C., 44

I loved taking the Drawing and Painting course, this course taught me many techniques on how to improve my drawings. It was easy to follow along as the instructor explained very well and checked with each of us to make sure we were following the class. I highly recommend it!!! 😉

Ana Luisa B., 12
Ana Luisa B., 12

I signed up for the virtual photography course because I am a photography lover and during the pandemic I had time to spare and needed to practice and update my English. And isn't it that I was even more surprised by the course? In addition to meeting people from other nationalities, with contacts with people from North America, Canada and Europe, and a teacher with experience for over 10 years. At the beginning I thought I would have difficulty understanding the technical words, but no, they are very didactic and are open to clarifying our doubts until understanding. In summary, I just didn't improve my English, I learned more about photography techniques besides the amazing experience. I loved it!

Carlos M., 28
Carlos M., 28

I took the Arts and Drawing and Painting course lasting a week each. I decided to do it because a friend of mine who lives in Canada invited me to do it too. She and I love to draw and we always do it chatting through WhatsApp. Before starting the course, I was very anxious, as I was afraid of not understanding what the teachers would say, because I didn't speak English fluently. The fact that I was very interested in the topic of the course helped me a lot, as it encouraged me to try to understand and assimilate the words, so that I could carry out the teachers' commands. I loved taking both courses, as in addition to being a lot of fun, I can learn new drawing and painting techniques, and improve my English. I really would have liked to do it in person, but even virtual I managed to have a lot of fun, and enjoy the new experience.

Marcela V., 19
Marcela V., 19

I really enjoyed the Teen Chef course. At first I was nervous because of the language, but soon I felt more comfortable because everyone was in the same situation as me, cooking and in English. The teacher was very nice and taught us a lot about Canadian cuisine and we played games while we waited for the food to be ready. It was very funny.

Brenda S., 17
Brenda S., 17

The quality of the teaching is excellent, it counts on a grid of wonderful teachers, who are willing to help with any difficulties that the students demonstrate during the classes, which is extremely important for the student's fluency in the language, in addition to all the quality of the classes. applied.

Mariana F., 25
Mariana F., 25


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